Wednesday 31 July 2013

Straight to the "Point"

Hey everyone, I am so sorry about this blog coming out so late, but I completely forgot to post it. This past weekend was pretty awesome and I have some REALLY cool pictures, so here is the breakdown!

Friday: Friday was a pretty average day once again. Work went pretty well and after work, we went out to a bar called Dubliner. It was a pretty average Friday for the MSU crew, but still, a pretty good one overall.

Saturday: Last week, most of the MSU crew signed up for the Cape Point adventure that Connect-123 (the internship program that we are going through) was hosting. The day started bright and early, at about 8:30, when we had to meed the people down in our apartment building lobby and we e all boarded the bus to head to Cape point (Cape Point is the southern most point in the Western Cape!) We took a half hour bus ride to Simons Town (where I have already been) but stopped at Boulder Beach, which was nonetheless amazing. The name holds true, as there are huge boulders all along the coast, but the best part of the entire beach was that there were hundreds of penguins. There was a long walkway to the beach, and as you walked you could see penguins walking around and hanging out. Once we got to the beach, there were tons of penguins swimming, sleeping, and just hanging out on the beach (as you can see in the picture, some were getting it on as well) We stood there and watched them for a little while, then walked a little ways down the coast to a restaurant called Berthas. Oh Berthas. Dear Lord. This restaurant was absolutely terrible. There was nobody in the restaurant except for the Connect-123 kids (there was about 20 of us) and the service was horrific. It took about 25 minutes for us to get waters, and another 45 minutes (at least) to get our food (also, don't order milkshakes there unless you want to wait another 50 joke) Anyways, Berthas was terrible. So, we left, still hungry even after eating, and headed to Cape Point. The trip turned around real quick because the drive was breathtaking. We were driving along the coast and there was nothing but mountains and ocean in sight. When we arrived at Cape Point, we had to had to hike quite a ways to the top, but once we got there, it was one of the prettiest views that I have seen in this country. We were on a giant cliff, looking out to the clear blue waters. There was a lighthouse at the top with a wall surrounding it, but you could climb over the wall and stand on the edge of the cliff (I was not too excited about that, but after I did it I felt somewhat accomplished.) After Cape Point, we got back on the bus and headed to The Cape of Good Hope, which was another beautiful scene. There was HUGE kelp that was all over the beach and waves that were crashing into the rocks. We took some pictures, got back on the bus, then headed back to the City Bowl. Later that night, we went out to a bar called Jackal and Hyde, had a few too many drinks, then headed home.

Boulder Beach
All of the penguins!

Awkward 3rd wheel
The drive to Cape Point
Cape of Good Hope

So far from home!

Sunday: Honestly, I did nothing Sunday. We went out to eat at Eastern Food Bizarre, then came home and laid around all day. It was actually really nice to not have to run around for once.

This past weekend was absolutely terrific. It was really nice to finally get out of the City Bowl (where we live) and see the beauty of South Africa's coast. I cannot wait for the next few weekends (we only have two left!!) because we are going to do so many exciting activities (you guys wont believe what is coming.) Get excited for the next few blogs because they are going to get crazy! Peace and love!

Tuesday 23 July 2013

A Long Walk to Freedom

Although this past weekend was not as eventful as the past few, it was one of the most inspirational weekends of my life. Here is the breakdown of the days (sorry that Friday and Saturday are a little bit boring!)

Friday: It was another typical day at the office until I found out that the company had a potential client coming in. When the two men got here, I was asked to sit in on their meeting, and to my surprise, they were two men that own their own champagne brand. We sat down at the table and they pulled out a bunch of champagne glasses and began pouring away. The two went on to pitch their product and we got to taste the fairly expensive champagne (it was really good by the way.) After about an hour, they left and we all went back to work. Towards the end of the day, everyone was getting excited for the weekend, and we pulled out the rest of the champagne to toast the end of the week. After work ended, I went back to the apartment and after a few hours, we all got ready and went to a club called Fiction (yes, we all branched away from Sideshow) and it turned out to be a decent time, but we left after a little while and tried another place out called Dubliner. This club/bar was a ton of fun because it was a little different than what we are used to, in which they had a band that played a variety of songs ranging from Blink 182 to Darius Rucker. (Not to say this is the new Sideshow, but it has some good potential.)

Saturday: We had big plans to take a tour on Saturday around the city of Cape Town (there is a rooftop bus that drives around to different excursions and all of the tourists do it) but when we woke up, we found that the weather was miserable and it was raining like crazy. Not knowing what to do in Cape Town on a rainy day, we decided to get some champagne and make mimosa's. The day escalated quite quickly and by 3:00pm we had re-arranged the apartment and set up a beer pong table in the middle of the room. A few of the people that we had met came down to participate in the day drinking activities, and by 9:00 everyone was exhausted and decided against going out. Turns out, I was REALLY happy with the decision to stay in because I had to wake up the next morning at 7:00am. Onto Sunday.

The Party Room
Sunday: Earlier in the week, three of the girls and I had booked tickets to head to Robben Island on Sunday morning at 9:00am, so we got up bright and early to get ready and fetch a taxi (if you don't know what Robben Island is, it is the island off of the coast that Nelson Mandela was imprisoned on for 18 years.) We got to the Waterfront and got some breakfast, then went to get on the ferry that would take us to the island. It was about a 30 minute boat ride (the waves were huge and it was definitely not a ride for someone with a week stomach) and then we arrive to the island and got off. Immediately we were in front of a ton of tall concrete prison walls and there were buses lined up for our tour. We began driving around the island and got to see different buildings in which different people had been imprisoned, and after about twenty minutes, we arrived to the building in which Mandela was help. We were met at the front by an ex-prisoner who turned out to be our tour guide. We walked around the different courtyards and saw different rooms in the jail, and then the moment of truth happened. We all got to walk up to Nelson Mandela's cell in which he spent his 18 years, and it was truly one of the most moving experience that I have encountered to this day. The cell contained a simple, thin mat that served as a bed and the room was barely larger than a closet. To stand outside of the bars and think about all of the difference that one human being made to an entire nation was nonetheless an experience of a lifetime. After begin escorted out of the building, we entered the sunlight and got to walk down the path that was the prisoners "Walk to Freedom". With all of the health problems happening to Madiba (that's what the South African's call him, it means father) I have been so fortunate to be able to visit the place in which only made him a stronger human being.

The ferry to Robben Island

Mandela's Cell

View of Cape Town from the Island

Some prisoner beds

Like I said, while the weekend was not that eventful, it was one that I will never forget. I honor and respect Nelson Mandela as one of the most influential human beings to ever walk the earth, and will forever be grateful that I got to experience his Long Walk to Freedom.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

One Fish, Two Fish...

I am sorry that it has taken me so long to write my blog for this past weekend, but I have been pretty bust at work and by the time I get home, eat, work out (I just started again) and shower, I am exhausted. But, all worries aside, I will break down the weekend for everyone. It was a REAL good one!

Friday: Friday was nothing special. I went to work and helped out with my intern duties, came home and hung out with everyone for a few and then we all went out to Side show again (I have come to the conclusion that while we all enjoy branching out and exploring different restaurants and bars, Friday is designated strictly to Sideshow.) It was fun once again, but nothing that cool happened. Onto Saturday.

Saturday: So I thought Saturday was going to be a really boring day because everyone in the MSU group and in the program signed up to go to a wine festival about an hour away, but I forgot to sign up, so I figured I would just hangout and watch movies all day. I woke up to find that my roommates Jack and Kory also forgot to sign up, so we all decided to have a guys day (it ended up working out really good that we didn't go because although everyone had fun, the weather was rainy and cold the whole day and the festival was outside.) The three of us hung out for a few then decided to go to the Two Oceans Aquarium at the Waterfront and hangout there for the rest of the day. When we got to the aquarium, we found that it was only $11.00 to get in and it ended up being really awesome. It was a little bit smaller than some of the other aquariums that I have seen, but the fish that we saw were great. We got to see the Predator Tank, in which we saw everything from sea turtles to giant fish and even saw some sharks! While all of the fish were really cool, the best part of the whole trip was when we saw a bunch of people slowly walking up a ramp, and when we got to a clearing, we saw that everyone was slowly following a group of penguins walking back to their home at the zoo (at one point, there was about 10 penguins walking in single file line.) We got to watch the penguins get fed and I even came about two feet from a penguin as well. After the aquarium adventure, we went to McDonald's and feasted since I have not had fast food in over a month (that's long for me.) After we returned home and ended waterfront excursion, we went out to a bar called Zula and had a really good time (the bar was celebrating its 8th birthday, so shots and beer was 8Rand.....that's $0.80!)
Entrance to Two Oceans Aquarium
I got up close and personal

Its stomach was bigger than my hand
Find Nemo

Pretty intimidating huh?

Sunday: Once again, we all got up Sunday morning and decided to go to Mzoli's (Like I said, this is also quickly becoming a tradition because the place is so cool.) We were much more prepared for our trip to Mzoli's this time because we bought alcohol, snacks, and left early enough so that we could reserve a few tables for our large group of Spartans. It turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day filled with drinking, dancing and eating large portions of excellent steak. By the time we all came home, it was about 6:00pm and by the amount of eating and drinking, I was tucked in bed by 9:00.

This past weekend was a lot of fun because it was quite relaxing. We have been doing so many activities throughout the trip that it was nice to just hangout and make make our own plans for once. The trip is already over halfway complete and I cannot believe how quickly it has passed. The next few weeks hold A TON of activities for us all and I cannot wait to let you guys all know what adventures I am about to encounter (get excited because they are pretty intense!) I miss everyone and will see you all before I know it! Peace and Love. 

Sunday 7 July 2013

Beer Tasting and Sunday Funday

Well, this past weekend turned out to be another eventful one here in Cape Town. Once again, I'll break down days and give you a play by play of each one. Here we go.

Friday: I went to work on Friday and had a typical day at work. I am still really enjoying working at Vivid Luxury and love the people that I work with because every day is some sort of an adventure in the office. After work on Friday, I came home and joined the MSU crew for our weekly Friday drinking pregame. We all decided to venture out from the regular Sideshow club and took a taxi out to Camps Bay (Camps Bay is a beautiful city on the other side of the mountains and it is right on the water.) We ended up going to a club right across from the water and had a really good time!

Saturday: Earlier in the week, all of the MSU guys decided to designate Saturday to a guys day. Kevin arranged a beer tasting in Newlands, which is another part of Cape Town (it is about a 20 minute train ride outside of the city that I am staying in.) We arrived at Newlands Brewery, home of Castle Lager, which is a really good beer that we consistently drink here in Cape Town, and went in to start our tour. The tour was truly an awesome experience. A woman walked us through the entire process of how they make, bottle, and ship out their different beers. We went through the room where they make all of the beer and saw all of the vats in which the beer is made (they were four stories high and each one was able to hold enough beer for an average person to drink one pint of beer a day for 300 years.) We then continued into the bottling room and saw all of the machines that put the beer into the bottles and then where they get the labels put on. Also, in South Africa there is an urban legend that if you put the cap back on you beer when you are finished drinking it, you will not wake up with a hangover (I can testify that every almost all of us MSU students have proved that legend to be wrong.) At then end of the tour, we were escorted into a tavern in the brewery and we were provided with a beer tasting of three beers, followed by two large beers that we got to choose. After we finished, we took the train back home and met back up with the girls. By the time nighttime hit, we were all exhausted and decided against going out, but overall, Guys Day turned out to be a great success, and will happen quite a few more times before we all head our separate ways.
Outside of the Brewery
The MSU guys

Beer Tasting

Sunday: Today was by far the best day of the weekend. I woke up this morning and found out that everyone was planning on going to a restaurant called Mzoli's, and while I wanted to have a chill day which consisted of me doing nothing, I decided to jump on the band wagon so that I didn't miss out on anything amazing. It turns out that the restaurant nothing that I expected. It was located in a township outside of the city, and for those of you who do not know what a township is, copy and paste this link: into your search bar. It was truly an experience that I was not expecting to encounter on this trip. The houses are so small and cramped, and there is hardly any electricity and water. There are stray dogs running around looking for food and people walking around the dirty roads with no shoes. I also noticed that as our taxi drove through the township, the people on the sides of the street looked at us as though we were aliens. I always thought that I would be uncomfortable and nervous if I were to ever be in an area like that, but what I felt was completely different. I felt so bad that people actually live in those kind of conditions and people like me see do not realize how grateful I am for simple things like clean, running water and a roof over my head. As we arrived at the restaurant, I saw that it was a very small run down building with huge line outside of the front door. We got in line with no idea of what we were getting ourselves into and after about twenty minutes of waiting, we entered the buidling to find a deli counter fills with a ton of uncooked meats. Huge pieces of beef, pork, chicken, lamb and sausage sat in front of us, and when we were asked what we wanted, we all winged it and through something out there. I ended up getting a huge steak (it was almost a foot long) and sausage (also, both of these together came to $4.00) After you get your raw meat, you head into a small back room filled with a ton of ovens and grills and hand them your food, then return a little while later to pick it up. While we were waiting for our food, we went around the back of Mzoli's to the giant tent in which the tables were under. When we walked back there, we saw a ton of people not just eating, but dancing, drinking, and having a great time. There was a DJ who was blasting different music and it turned out to be a huge party, so we all enjoyed our food and drinks for a few hours, and decided that this is going to be a Sunday ritual. Out of all of the crazy things that I have done so far on my adventure in Cape Town, Mzoli's is by far one of the best experiences that I have had.
Everyone dancing inside

Te back where they cook the food
Looks gross, but it was GREAT


Like I said, once again this weekend was full of surprises and adventures, and I have no idea what activities that the next few weeks have in store for me, but I cannot wait to continue to share the adventure with you guys. Peace and love.

Monday 1 July 2013

Rugby and Obama

WELL, I hope you are all excited for this blog post because as you can see by the title, it was one helluva good weekend. I had no plan on it turning into the eventful weekend that it did, but I was fortunate enough to experience an event that most people will not be able to in their entire life. Let me break it down for you. Here we go.

Friday: Friday was a very chill day. I woke up not feeling too good, so I called into work and they told me to stay home and feel better. After sleeping in and feeling a little bit better, I got up and went to get some food with Caitlyn at a place called The Blend, which was a little local cafe that served breakfast. We both decided to branch out and order something a little different, and we ended up getting two pieces of toast with baked beans, tomatoes, and a pesto sauce (it was fantastic!) After eating, I came back and napped again because I was still not feeling good. A few hours later, I woke up and felt a lot better. After showering and deciding to go out with everyone, I found out that everyone had signed up to volunteer to help out with President Obama's speech at Cape Town University. We all signed up, and while everyone received a follow email within thirty minutes that read "You're in," this guy didn't get his. Hoping to receive one before training the next morning, I got ready and went out with everyone.  We went to Sideshow again (free vodka from 10 - 11!) and it turned out to be a really fun night, but to make it even better, I checked my email at about 3:00am and saw the email that read "You're in." Onto Saturday.

Saturday: We woke up on Saturday bright and early because we had to be at CTU (Cape Town University) for our training for the speech on Sunday. The campus was absolutely beautiful and it was empty. We all walked around for a little bit, then met some people from the White House and listened as they explained what our duties would be. Our group was split up into different sections, and Kory, Luke, Nicole and I were assigned to usher guests into the room before the speech. It was about an hour or two and we left to go get ready for our first rugby game at 7:00pm. We got on the train to Clairemont (we almost missed the train but made it at the last minute) and got there around 5:00. We grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed to the game. Turns out it was a pretty big game and there was a ton of fans. Our seats were AMAZING and we were only about 6 rows back. The game was really interesting because fans from both different teams sat together and jokingly taunted each other. The game turned out to be in the Stormers favor (the team we were rooting for) and it turned out to be a great evening. We came home and all went to bed since we had a big day ahead of us, and now onto the big day!
Cheetahs vs. Tigers

MSU Gang


President Obama!!
Sunday: Sunday was the first day that I have actually slept in. I woke up at around 10:30 (I could have slept for another 4 hours, but decided that I should get my day started.)We all ironed our clothes and suited up for the big event. When we went down to the girls room to get them, everyone looked really nice in their dress clothes. We got in the cabs and headed to Cape Town University around 1:30, and arrived at the very bottom of the hill to the university at around 1:50 (the police had the entire campus shut down, so we had to walk up a huge hill to the Jameson Building where the President's speech was going to take place. We got to a road and saw a bunch of press and volunteers at the end, and none of us noticed but we were all walking in a line next to one another and the wind was blowing (we all looked real bad ass.) When we got to the end of the road, the woman in charge of the event (she worked for the White House) was taking pictures of us and referred to us as the "Superheroes" (I don't know if it is just me, but having someone from the White House call you a Superhero is a pretty big deal.) After waiting around for about an hour, we were escorted in (before the media and the guests) and were told to take our places. Over the next few hours people began filing in for the event, and let me tell you, there was a TON of people. After everyone was seated, a few singers came out and sang (they were excellent) and then a group of African drummers and xylophone players performed a few songs (including the Lion King.) At 6:00, excitement and tension filled the air as everyone wait for the big moment. At once, the secret service began walking out and a woman's voice came over the P.A. and said "Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama." The crowd went wild and I was in clear site of the President entering the stage. The feeling that runs through your body in a moment like that is indescribable. Seeing someone of such high importance less than 100 feet away from you was not only an experience that I will never forget, but an experience that I might not ever experience again. I am so grateful that I chose this time and place to spend the Summer of 2013. Never had I EVER expected to A.) Experience the emotional roller coaster of a nation watching Nelson Mandela, one of the worlds most influential people, encounter life threatening health problems and B.) be invited to volunteer at my own President's speech and get to watch him speak from such a close distance. I am TRULY grateful for the experience that I am having and now know that it is a once in a life time opportunity (literally, this will NEVER happen again.) I hope you all enjoy the pictures and my blog and are looking forward to future ones. Peace and Love!
The room before Obama arrived
The Amazing Ushers
Picture from the White House woman
My "VIP" Pass

The Superheroes