Wednesday 19 June 2013

Day 19

Today was another normal day in the life of Brett, but there were a few surprises that occurred, so here we go. I started Insanity last night (for those of you who don't, its a workout that is supposed to get you ripped in 60 days) and I woke up feeling as though my body was on fire. My lower back, upper back, upper legs, lower legs, shoulders, and god knows what else were in some HARD pain. So, I got up and walked to work. Since I am finally settled in and know more about the company now, my supervisors gave me some tasks to do on my own. I was appointed to social media manager, which means I am in charge of updating all of the different media that my company has and keeping followers informed. They had me write a few blog posts for the companies website and I also had to make a few spreadsheets, so the day actually went by pretty fast. Towards the end of the work day (around 4:00) a bunch of guys came to the building and started setting up lighting and different sets outside of our building. Turns out they were shooting a music video in our building (I'll keep you guys posted as to who it was and if the song ever gets popular, which I don't think it will) but either way it was cool. After work, I came home and made some overcooked pasta and soggy garlic break with Caitlyn (it was my fault) and after dinner I went up to the top floor to do another Insanity workout. Caitlyn decided to jump on the workout train with me and we started our 45 minute workout video. After 45 minutes, I wanted to throw up. I'm really hoping that it gets a little bit easier, but I'm glad that I am starting to workout again. I'm hoping more exciting stuff happens this week so that I can blog, but if not be sure to lookout for another exciting blog over the weekend. Peace and love.

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