Wednesday 5 June 2013

Day 4

Ok, so the posts are about to become shorter throughout the week since I am working now, but no need to worry, I will still keep you guys posted! Today I got up around the same time that the other guys in the apartment did (around 7:30) and was ready for work around 8:10. It is only a ten minute walk to work (thank god) so I don't have to get up too early. I walked to the lobby again to meet Shelby (you met her in the last post) to walk to work, and we ended up having a pretty good talk. I got to work a little early, and once everyone started showing up, we went inside and had tea/coffee and talked for a bit before starting to work (I am really starting to like tea throughout the day thanks to this job.) Work turned out to be really good! The view, once again, was fantastic because it was FINALLY sunny today, and I could see Table Mountain from the window in the office. I ended up learning a few more things about the company today (learning about magazine clips, press releases, etc.) and I feel like its only going to get more informative as each day passes. Also, the CEO of the company is really great! I have yet to get to know her very well because she is really busy, but I can tell that she is a very successful woman who has worked very hard for the position that she holds today. I had my first meeting with the company at the end of work (I was really confused because they were talking about different companies that they work for) but they did a fantastic job on informing me about anything that they figured I was confused about. After work, I came back to my apartment and found that everyone was going out for drinks and dinner. We went out to Percy's (the oldest bar in Cape Town that I mentioned in the earlier posts) and then went the The Shack (which is another bar, which is REALLY cool because it is three bars all put into one) We all walked back together and now I'm sitting in my bed, about to fall asleep. I am so excited to learn more about the projects that I will be working on this summer! I am getting to know my co-workers more and more each day and I really like them all. As you all know, I am still alive and ready to keep exploring this beautiful city of Cape Town! I love and miss you all!

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